Comic Archive
This (should be) the current list of all Outsideworld and Foster the Rabbit comics.
I've published a total of 216 comics and averaged a new comic every 9.76 days since I began.
Outsideworld and Foster the Rabbit Archive
1. Welcome to the Outsideworld. ( July 12, 2004) 2. Foster the Programmer ( July 19, 2004) 3. Foster the Rabbit's poorly drawn guide to brew your own. ( July 26, 2004) 4. Hubris and Singularities. ( August 02, 2004) 5. Foster's Guide to Writing a Phd Thesis in a Week. ( August 09, 2004) 6. Foster the Terrorist. ( August 16, 2004) 7. ...but for now Foster Danced. ( August 23, 2004) 8. Mary-Kate and Ashley. ( August 30, 2004) 9. The Kitchen Ninja. ( September 06, 2004) 10. Coding Relational Databases. ( September 27, 2004) 11. Pimps at Sea. ( October 04, 2004) 12. BunnyTech Giant Robot. ( October 11, 2004) 13. Pi is exactly 3. ( October 18, 2004) 14. Halloween. ( October 25, 2004) 15. Election Blues. ( November 01, 2004) 16. Smokers kill Kittens. ( November 08, 2004) 17. Physics and Loose Women. ( November 15, 2004) 18. Bostwick Bunny #1. ( November 22, 2004) 19. Casualties of Linear Algebra. ( January 24, 2005) 20. Not a parody of Unisource. ( February 07, 2005) 21. Have you seen this man? ( February 21, 2005) 22. Becky Bunny. ( February 28, 2005) 23. Foster the Rabbit is your God. ( March 07, 2005) 24. Lack of commitment. ( March 14, 2005) 25. Jean Harlow ( March 21, 2005) 26. The Tavernier Blue. ( March 28, 2005) 27. Foster vs. The UPS Store. ( April 11, 2005) 28. The Rules of the Game. ( April 18, 2005) 29. Playing Pool with Ed. ( April 20, 2005) 30. Hunting for Food. ( April 25, 2005) 31. Waffles of the Mind. ( May 02, 2005) 32. Playing Pool with Ed #2 ( May 04, 2005) 33. Filler Bunny ( May 08, 2005) 34. New Zealand ( May 09, 2005) 35. Welcome to the Outsideworld. #1 ( May 11, 2005) 36. Welcome to the Outsideworld #2 ( May 16, 2005) 37. Vacation. ( May 30, 2005) 38. Classical Mechanics. ( June 06, 2005) 39. ER ( June 13, 2005) 40. Crash #1 ( June 16, 2005) 41. Summer Vacation ( June 27, 2005) 42. Crash #2 ( July 01, 2005) 43. Crash #3 ( July 19, 2005) 44. Crash #4 ( July 24, 2005) 45. Foster's ( July 25, 2005) 46. We do not say the "zed" word. ( July 29, 2005) 47. Karaoke ( August 24, 2005) 48. Chemistry with Rabbits. ( August 26, 2005) 49. Becoming a Geek. ( August 29, 2005) 50. Owen ( September 02, 2005) 51. A Rabbit in it's Native Habitat. ( September 05, 2005) 52. Rackmount #1 ( September 07, 2005) 53. Rackmount #2 ( September 12, 2005) 54. Wil #1 ( September 15, 2005) 55. WIl #2 ( September 17, 2005) 56. ARE ( September 19, 2005) 57. Waiting ( September 22, 2005) 58. Buck Lake #1 ( September 26, 2005) 59. Buck Lake #2 ( September 28, 2005) 60. Buck Lake #3 ( September 30, 2005) 61. Life Sucks ( October 03, 2005) 62. Productivity ( October 11, 2005) 63. Shantibot #1 ( October 18, 2005) 64. Owen's Going Away Party #1 ( October 23, 2005) 65. Owen's Going Away Party #2 ( October 25, 2005) 66. Owenbot #2 (Owenbot destroy!) ( November 03, 2005) 67. The true story of Andrew's last job #1 ( November 21, 2005) 68. The true story of Andrew's last job #2 ( November 28, 2005) 69. Slightly Irregular ( December 02, 2005) 70. Vegan Cake ( December 05, 2005) 71. Christmas, now shut up. ( December 09, 2005) 72. Owenbot #3 (at the Basement) ( December 19, 2005) 73. Plasma Oven ( December 27, 2005) 74. The three litre author. ( December 31, 2005) 75. Owenbot #4 / Teddy Ruxpin #1 ( January 20, 2006) 76. Owenbot #5 / Teddy Ruxpin #2 ( February 01, 2006) 77. Owenbot #6 / Teddy Ruxpin #3 ( February 15, 2006) 78. Shaft! ( April 02, 2006) 79. Geek House ( April 19, 2006) 80. Bon Voyage ( April 26, 2006) 81. Ledersofa ( September 06, 2006) 82. Outsideworld VR ( September 22, 2006) 83. London #1 ( February 04, 2007) 84. London #2 ( February 07, 2007) 85. London #3 ( February 16, 2007) 86. London #4 ( February 28, 2007) 87. London #5 ( March 02, 2007) 88. Snowboarding with Ed. ( March 04, 2007) 89. Rabbit, Cartoon Rabbit. ( March 26, 2007) 90. Technicolour's Red Ballroom #1 ( April 23, 2007) 91. Technicolour's Red Ballroom #2 ( April 29, 2007) 92. Technicolour's Red Ballroom #3 ( May 02, 2007) 93. Technicolour's Red Ballroom #4 ( May 04, 2007) 94. The Protest Protest #1 ( May 07, 2007) 95. The Protest Protest #2 ( May 09, 2007) 96. Technicolour's Red Ballroom #5 ( May 11, 2007) 97. Technicolour's Red Ballroom #6 ( May 14, 2007) 98. Technicolour's Red Ballroom #7 ( May 16, 2007) 99. Technicolour's Red Ballroom #8 ( May 18, 2007) 100. Technicolour's Red Ballroom #9 ( May 23, 2007) 101. Technicolour's Red Ballroom #10 Let me tell you a story. ( May 28, 2007) 102. Ukraine #1 ( May 30, 2007) 103. Ukraine #2 (changing wheels) ( June 01, 2007) 104. Ukraine #3. The arrival ( June 04, 2007) 105. Ukraine #4 Transformers! ( June 06, 2007) 106. Ukraine #5 The toxic water of death ( June 08, 2007) 107. Ukraine #6, The Drunkening ( June 11, 2007) 108. Ukraine #7, The Hangover ( June 13, 2007) 109. Ukraine #8 The Sauna (a kind of stationary train) ( June 18, 2007) 110. Ukraine #9 Is power struggle ( June 20, 2007) 111. Ukraine #10 Quick, do something manly ( June 22, 2007) 112. Ukraine #11, Play Money Poker ( June 25, 2007) 113. Ukraine #12 Playing in the park. ( July 04, 2007) 114. A sad day in the world. ( July 06, 2007) 115. A poem ( July 09, 2007) 116. Flowers ( July 11, 2007) 117. Here I am my own god. ( July 16, 2007) 118. Balvenie Portwood 21 year bitch ( July 30, 2007) 119. So bored... ( August 06, 2007) 120. Understanding Germany #1 ( August 13, 2007) 121. Understanding Germany #2 ( August 20, 2007) 122. Travels with Shanti #1 ( August 31, 2007) 123. Travels with Shanti #2 ( September 03, 2007) 124. Travels with Shanti #3, from Berlin to Wroclaw on no sleep. ( September 05, 2007) 125. Travels with Shanti #4, Still in Poland, still no Shanti ( September 07, 2007) 126. Travels with Shanti #5, Of oportunities lost and still no Shanti ( September 10, 2007) 127. Travels with Shanti #6, Why old people suck ( September 12, 2007) 128. Travels with Shanti #7, up in the air and almost a Shanti ( September 15, 2007) 129. Travels with Shanti #8, Finally a Shanti and some other people and a train. ( September 19, 2007) 130. Travels with Shanti #9, On the origins of the universe... ( September 21, 2007) 131. Travels with Shanti #10, Saturday extra (not a significant source of new art) ( September 22, 2007) 132. Travels with Shanti #11, Shanti showing his superpowers. ( September 24, 2007) 133. Travels with Shanti #12, Metatastic ( September 26, 2007) 134. Travels with Shanti #13, But I thought this wasn't supposed to be funny? ( September 27, 2007) 135. Travels with Shanti #14, Sorry, just some sketches of L'viv ( September 28, 2007) 136. Travels with Shanti #15, Saturday extra, there be monsters ( September 29, 2007) 137. Travels with Shanti #16, Traveling with girls... ( October 01, 2007) 138. Travels with Shanti #17, They did what? ( October 03, 2007) 139. 138th comic spectacular!!! ( October 05, 2007) 140. Travels with Shanti #18, My kind of stupid ( October 08, 2007) 141. Travels with Shanti #19, The amazing foldable Shanti! ( October 10, 2007) 142. Travels with Shanti #20, Cut down on the smetana ( October 12, 2007) 143. Travels with Shanti #21, Over the boarder and on till day break... ( October 15, 2007) 144. Travels with Shanti #22,The Squazniak, part II ( October 17, 2007) 145. Travels with Shanti #23, Budapest in brief ( October 19, 2007) 146. Travels with Shanti #24, No, I like it here. ( October 22, 2007) 147. Tuesday extra for some reason. ( October 23, 2007) 148. Travels with Shanti #25, On traveling with girls... ( October 24, 2007) 149. In the park (similar to filler, if I ever had content) ( October 26, 2007) 150. Travels with Shanti #27, Saturday Extra, Steel penises ( October 27, 2007) 151. Travels with Shanti #28, Bratislava, ah the excitement... ( November 01, 2007) 152. The Ukraine makes the great leap forward... ( November 03, 2007) 153. Understanding Germany #3 ( November 07, 2007) 154. Travels with Shanti #29, Bratislava and a very drunken Slovakian ( November 09, 2007) 155. Travels with Shanti #30, Um, where's Tom? ( November 12, 2007) 156. Travels with Shanti #31, Brno, final in the Czech Republic ( November 14, 2007) 157. Travels with Shanti #32, Prague, the happiest place on Earth. ( November 18, 2007) 158. Travels with Shanti #33, Aren't summer camps usually the setting for horror/slasher movies? ( November 19, 2007) 159. Travels with Shanti #34, Ignor this, just wait till Friday ( November 21, 2007) 160. Travels with Shanti #35, Camp. ( November 23, 2007) 161. About Ed... ( November 28, 2007) 162. Travels with Shanti #36, (Drinking) Camp, for the good of the nation! ( November 30, 2007) 163. Travels with Shanti #37, Who knew he could run? ( December 03, 2007) 164. Travels with Shanti #38, Czech Lolitas? ( December 05, 2007) 165. Travels with Shanti #39, Shanti the fine actor ( December 07, 2007) 166. Travels with Shanti #40, Dodge-Ball ( December 10, 2007) 167. Travels with Shanti #41, The last goodbyes ( December 12, 2007) 168. A Christmas miracle ( December 14, 2007) 169. And introducing... Paula the Rabbit ( December 17, 2007) 170. It's not my fault, my hosting company (Startlogic) sucks. ( December 24, 2007) 171. Paula's second comic on the Outsideworld ( December 27, 2007) 172. Ed is back (that son of a bitch) ( December 28, 2007) 173. Understanding Germany #4, Kaninchen (like a regular Kanin, but smaller) ( December 29, 2007) 174. George hasn't hosted a cocaine party all week and other year end corrections. ( December 30, 2007) 175. But this isn't a very Andrew-like comic! ( December 31, 2007) 176. Happy New Year ( January 01, 2008) 177. Presenting Michael Bay's "The Giving Tree" ( January 14, 2008) 178. Theories behind my unexplained absence #1 ( January 16, 2008) 179. Theories behind my recent absence #2 ( January 18, 2008) 180. Theories behind my recent absence #3 ( January 19, 2008) 181. Noncommunicative friend of the year award 2007 unaffected by recent writers' strike. ( January 24, 2008) 182. Andrew's Least Communicative Friend of the Year Award .. Audited ( January 26, 2008) 183. Back to work ( February 15, 2008) 184. It's been ages since I had a proper death threat. ( August 22, 2008) 185. One-off ( August 25, 2008) 186. Hitting Andrew is not allowed ( March 23, 2009) 187. The legend of Shanti's Beer... ( March 25, 2009) 188. You probably won't get this joke ( March 27, 2009) 189. Russia and why the hell not? ( March 30, 2009) 190. Russia and why the hell not? #2 ( April 08, 2009) 191. Russia and why the hell not? #3 ( April 10, 2009) 192. Russia and why the hell not #4 ( April 13, 2009) 193. Russia, and why the hell not? #5 ( April 15, 2009) 194. The subconscious poetry of Shanti ( April 22, 2009) 195. Russia, and why the hell not? #6 ( April 27, 2009) 196. Russia, and why the hell not? #7 ( April 29, 2009) 197. Russia, and why the hell not? #8 ( April 30, 2009) 198. Russia, and why the hell not? #9 ( May 17, 2009) 199. Russia, and why the hell not? #10 ( May 18, 2009) 200. Shanti the subconscious poet #2 ( December 28, 2009) 201. Russia, and why the hell not? #11 ( December 30, 2009) 202. Russia, and why the hell not? #12 ( January 01, 2010) 203. Russia, and why the hell not? #13 ( January 04, 2010) 204. The legend of the whiskey ( March 22, 2010) 205. Russia, and why the hell not? #14 ( March 24, 2010) 206. Russia, and why the hell not? #15 ( March 26, 2010) 207. Russia, and why the hell not? #16 ( March 29, 2010) 208. Russia, and why the hell not? #17 ( March 31, 2010) 209. Russia, and why the hell not? #18 ( April 02, 2010) 210. Russia, and why the hell not? #19 ( April 05, 2010) 211. Russia, and why the hell not? #20 ( April 07, 2010) 212. Russia, and why the hell not? #21 ( April 09, 2010) 213. Russia, and why the hell not? #22 ( April 12, 2010) 214. In Berlin! ( April 14, 2010) 215. Dr. Pong ( April 16, 2010)
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