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*THE NEWS AS OF JULY, 12, 2004*

(07/12/04) Ok, this update has been a long time coming. For anyone visiting for the first time this site looked like crap a year ago and I still haven't had time to update it. Foster cartoons will apear sporatically, more often if anyone seems to actually care.

(09/19/03) The Protest Protest is, sadly, no more. We enjoyed it while it lasted but when Portland's "Peaceful" Response stopped threatening us, tearing up our signs and yelling at us it stopped being fun. Oh, if you haven't heard they just got in a fight, you can find the poorly written article here [EDIT sorry the article moved].
In any event I've been busy finishing the Drink O' and another project which will appear here shortly. Stay tuned.

Note: This site is still under some pretty heavy construction. In software terms I'd say I'm up to about v0.04 (in the words of Linus Torvals “It's been known to work.”). Please check back over the next few weeks as things are added and feel free to e-mail me with any questions in the mean time. Cheers.

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